Imagine immersive events where you get to experience healing, activation and training to OWN your voice and turn your brilliance into a vehicle that significantly grows your own life while undoubtedly contributing to the ripple effect shift that is happening on the planet right now...
And one that connects you with other like-minded souls on a mission to heal the divide for deeper conversations and networking...
In these 75 minute online events, you will experience:
These online workshops vary in topics:
30 minutes
Open to "VIP" and "Freedom" level members only. Become a member >> HERE
In this session, you will be learn various exercises to de-stress "on the spot" when that stress hits you or you are a conflict/difficult situation. You will also experience a deep relaxation exercise to get you centered back into your knowing and inner truth.
75 minutes
Open to all members. Non-members can make a one-time offering.
Between the highly volatile world events and the upcoming election in the US, conflict between friends, family and co-workers is at an all time high. In this event, master negotiator and mediator Alice Shikina will be taking you through various tactics to navigate difficult situations and conversations.
© 2024 Liberessence/Cindy Ashton. (EI) All Rights Reserved.
20 Rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Paris, France 75009
SIRET: 982 751 828 00012