This is your path to OWN your voice and turn your brilliance into a vehicle that significantly grows your business while undoubtedly contributing to the ripple effect shift that is happening on the planet right now.

With Award-Winning TV Host, Keynote Speaker, Performer & Speak from Your Power Trainer, Cindy Ashton


You are a business owner. You want to be seen as leader in your industry and use your message to support others.

You are a creative and want to use your art form to heal and/or shift your audience's vibration.

Perhaps you ask yourself one or more of the following questions...

  • "Why aren't my videos and social media posts converting into clients?"
  • "How can I land lucrative speaking gigs and more of them?"
  • "Why aren't my talks, performances or works converting into clients and more opportunities?"
  • "How can I craft my message to attract my ideal clients and lucrative opportunities?"
  • "How can I present myself on stage or in meetings without feeling nervous or fumbling?"
  • "What does it take to transition from being a good speaker to becoming highly magnetic and speaking from a place of true power?"

If you are infuriated seeing so many entrepreneurs and leaders getting the spotlight who...

  • Are mediocre at best
  • Don't truly care about getting results for their clients
  • Use manipulative tactics to grow their wealth and power

And looking for a solution that allows you to get YOUR voice heard without having to resort to being pushy, salesey or following unethical business practices, then Brave Leaders Rising is what you have been looking for.

But the challenges you may face are...

"I know my ideas and expertise are unique, but how do I present it in a way that’s easily understood, doesn’t sound like anybody else and will make a greater impact?"

"When I deliver my message, I feel like it’s too scripted or I stumble or I sense I am not expressing my best self. How do I get heard?"

Let me shine a light for you...

Most messaging is generic content, making you sound like everyone else. Or, you speak too broadly, or perhaps ramble on and say too much. It's missing your own unique voice, perspective and differentiation.

Most speaking training today tells you to push your voice out with canned speech effects, gestures and movements that ultimately disconnects you from yourself and the audience. That's NOT truthful.

Brave leadership is...

Having the courage to connect to your deepest truth and express that truth in a way that opens the space for all humans to be seen and heard. When every person has a voice, bridges are created.

No more old school "push" energy or manipulative tactics to force people to hear you. Instead YOU shine your best you while inviting people to be part of your community.

I am SO excited to guide you and WITNESS YOUR LEADERSHIP FLOURISH!

Truth Moment:

Have you been spending money on all kinds of different programs to help you to gain more visibility and grow your business?

The problem is that all those pieces you are learning and implementing aren't working together. You need a holistic strategy.

Brave Leaders Rising is the breakthrough you have been seeking to grow your business ethically while being highly influential.

Here's some of the key parts we’ll be strategically working on together in the next several months: 

Create High-Impact Messaging & Content to Grab Attention & Build Your Tribe

I will show you step by step how to create engaging stories, talks and social media content.

You will know how to craft pitches and monetize your presentations.

You will learn how to elevate your messaging and brand experience to quickly build your tribe.

Speak from Your Power to Be Naturally Magnetic & Engaging

You’ll learn speaking voice, body language and leadership presence skills as well as how to deliver your message brilliantly on video, in conversations and on stage. 

You will also learn crazy awesome energy tactics to draw people into you and have them listening to every word you say.

Strategy to Grow Your Visibility and Influence

I’ll show you how to position you and your brand so you can leverage influencers to grow your visibility. You will get strategy to pitch and secure lucrative speaking engagements and monetize them.

I will also be bringing in special guests to teach you sponsorships and landing media attention. 

Create Win-Win Sales and Negotiations

We'll work together to develop your sales and negotiation skills from a rapport-building perspective. No more slimy sales techniques!

You will learn how to lead sales conversations, be able to read body language, use your speaking voice and body language to be persuasive and so much more.  

YES!!! I am a Brave Rising Leader! 

See what past clients have to say:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"What Cindy does different  that most other people is helping get your inner voice out and the best way to position yourself so you can deliver the maximum amount of value to your audience. She is also teaching us how to use presentation skills to boost sales"


OBGYN & Keynote Speaker

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Cindy gave us some tweaks to make our offer more emotionally identifiable to the guests, rather than using a “salesy” approach. By implementing those minor changes, we have already seen a noticeable difference with conversions!"

CEO of Pirozzi Organization Development Solutions, LLC

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"After only 5 sessions with Cindy Ashton, my close rate doubled. The missing piece was how to present myself in a way that forms a deeper connection with my prospects so they feel compelled to buy."

Interior Designer

Cindy's genius helped me to create a whole new experience.  The messaging is deeply impacting and helping the people who hear my Keynote.  I have received phenomenal feedback not only from the audience but from the meeting planners and conference organizers that has hired me.    

Even if you are not a speaker by profession… The gifts that Cindy brings to her work will elevate your communication whether it be one on one or 1 to 1000.    I highly recommend working with Cindy and engaging in her program.”

SUSAN FREW | CEO and President of Sunshine Plumbing Heating Air & Professional Speaker

Meet Cindy Ashton

Ever since I was a child, I was the performer, teacher and advocate. I've spent my life speaking out on various causes which resulted in receiving awards from both Former President Obama and the late Queen Elizabeth II.

As an Award-Winning Television Host, I use my platform to educate my viewers on important social issues. As a celebrity interviewer, instead of asking 'who' are you wearing, I have been known to ask about what causes they stand for.

I've had the honor of gracing thousands of stages as a Singer, Actor, Entertainer and Keynote Speaker. And of course, I used those platforms to create positive change.

I learned the harsh reality of how many leaders used their platforms to serve their own interests when I found myself sharing stages with some of the biggest names on the planet. It seemed like a dream come true, but it wasn't.

The gurus who were grooming me to be the next big motivational star, shared with me all the ways they pushed people to buy high-ticket items at their events.

I knew this approach was inauthentic and made me feel sick to my stomach – so I walked away.

It is a HUGE reason why my mission is to support people like YOU - brave leaders who are in it FOR the people.

How does Brave Leaders Rising Work?

The hour long weekly group trainings are one of the biggest benefits of your membership.

Here is how they are structured:


Learning to be connected to yourself, others and universal energy is crucial to living from courage and truth. Every session, we will begin accessing our presence through various techniques including relaxation, breathing, non-sexual tantra, energy tactics from the acting world, quantum leaping (advanced manifestation tactics) and more.

Training & Strategy:

For sustainable growth, you will learn one powerful tool a week to build on your skill set week by week.. Within months, you will experience radical shifts in your business and life. Examples of trainings include how to add story loops into your marketing to keep people listening, a voice tactic to draw your listener in, role-playing a negotiation strategy, etc.


One of the biggest downfalls of the training industry is that you get bombarded with information but you don't know how to take that information and apply it to solving your specific challenges. You will have plenty of time to work on what you learned to ensure you embody the new skill. Small, bite-sized and actionable strategies, gets results.

Feedback and questions:

Another big downfall of the training industry is that you either get the 'coach of the coach' training you and/or you don't have the opportunity to get personalized feedback. To solidify what you learn, you will have the opportunity during the sessions to ask questions me and get feedback,

Your "Brave Leader Rising" Program Includes:

  • Weekly LIVE Training & Strategy Sessions. Wednesdays at 12:30pm EST. Replays available.
  • Surprise Workshops and Q&A’s with Special Industry Guests
  • Virtual Events with Your Nation of Like-Minded Leaders on a Mission to Shift the World
  • Pop-Up Hot Seat Sessions
  • Access to all the training session scripts and templates
  • Access to the Speak from Your Power Course, loaded with over 25 short training videos.
  • Each month, we'll be adding trainings and resources to this library
  • Promotion for you on our social media channels

And much, much more!

Want to grow your wealth and influence by creating win-wins and contributing to the greater good? Then join us:

We are excited to have you join

this highly vetted group of ethical leaders.



Questions? Email us >> HERE
or leave us a message on Whatsapp at +33 06 59 77 21 98