Be part of a nation of other like-minded souls on a mission to heal the divide.

You will experience ongoing healings, activations and Speak from Your Power training to learn how to get YOUR voice heard in the world as well as attend our events for deeper conversations and networking.

Be part of the ripple effect awakening that is happening on the planet right now...

Welcome to the
Brave Leaders Rising Events & Trainings

Nation Events:
For all member levels & the public

Special Workshops:

For "Freedom" and "VIP" level members

In these 75 minute online events, you will experience:

  • A mini performance, sound healing and/or meditation to relax, ground and get connected to your inner wisdom.
  • An embodiment exercise to unlock your "liberessence" (your effervescent self that can magnetize your desires)
  • Discussions on the focus of event
  • 1-2 lucky attendees will be in the hot seat and given strategy (for their life or business)
  • Opportunity to share your mission with our nation of like-minded leaders and network

These online workshops vary in topics:

  • Laser focused business trainings where you will build out a specific strategy and implement such as promoting your podcast, writing your signature story and creating IG & TikTok reels.
  • Channeling and healing activation to release trauma, fears and energetic bonds that keep you stuck as well as exercises to amplify your manifesting abilities and attract your desires.
  • Deep Dive Discussions with industry experts on crucial topics we are facing today personally and globally.

Event Schedule & Registration

Oct 29th, 2024
pm EST/
17:30h CET

75 minutes

Open to all members. Non-members can make a one-time offering.

Nation Event: Navigating Difficult Political Conversations with Special Guest Alice Shikina

Between the highly volatile world events and the upcoming election in the US, conflict between friends, family and co-workers is at an all time high. In this event, master negotiator and mediator Alice Shikina will be taking you through various tactics to navigate difficult situations and conversations.


Nov 12th, 2024
pm EST/
18:30h CET

75 minutes

Open to all members. Non-members can make a one-time offering.

Nation Event: Harmonize Your Energy Fields for Lasting Healing with Special Guest Shari Lillico

Are you doing inner work, energy healings and manifestation exercises … but they are still not fully centered? Why is that? We have personal, earth, sky and cosmic energetic grids and structures that are the support systems to all the work you are doing. They are the energetic foundation that will anchor in all the other work. When one or more of the structures are misaligned or broken, it’s hard to find flow and you struggle to function properly. Our special guest Shari Lillico will be taking us through exercises to get aligned.


  • Every Wednesdays at 12:30pm EST for 1 hour, VIP level members get ongoing strategy and training in growing your influence, landing speaking engagements, speech writing and how to speak from your power on stages, camera and in sales.
  • All levels of membership include access recordings from previous nation events such as "How to Sell without Selling" and "Free Yourself from Obligation."