The Tour

Imagine an immersive event that connects you into your deepest purpose and teaches you to express that inner knowing to the world in a way that feels truthful...

And while learning how to grow your influence without resorting to fake or manipulative tactics...

And while having an opportunity to get your OWN voice promoted and collaborating with other humans on a mission to heal the divide...

Welcome to Liberessence!
A Brave Leaders Rising Experience

In these in person and online events, you will experience:

  • A mini performance by Cindy to raise your vibration
  • An embodiment exercise to unlock your "liberessence" (your effervescent self that can magnetize your desires)
  • Discussions on what brave leadership is, what it takes to rise up ethically and more.
  • Speak from Your Power® training

PLUS... for in person events,

YOU will be interviewed and promoted on social media.

Cindy is connected to many other mission-driven, high powered, high profile brands and businesses. This opportunity is a great way to get your unique expertise in front of her audience.

The Brave Leaders Rising tour, featuring the Liberessence Events, kicks off in Europe soon for the summer and then off the US/Canada in fall.

Get Notified of Upcoming Events
(In Person & Virtual)